
Lovely Headshot Session

Sunrise Photography Gig Harbor Headshots Natural Light Outdoor Photographer Business (1) Sunrise Photography Gig Harbor Headshots Natural Light Outdoor Photographer Business (2) Sunrise Photography Gig Harbor Headshots Natural Light Outdoor Photographer Business (3)

This friend of mine oozes lovliness. She is radiant, both in color and black & white . . . hard to decide which I like best. Headshot sessions with Sunrise are quick and painless. A few minutes of your time, and prompt turn around. Update your social media image today!


Professional Headshots, casual style

Headshots Tacoma Dentist Gig Harbor Photographer Sunrise Photography (3) Headshots Tacoma Dentist Gig Harbor Photographer Sunrise Photography (2) Headshots Tacoma Dentist Gig Harbor Photographer Sunrise Photography (1)

I’m simply loving the current trend toward casual headshots in relaxed and inviting environments. Clients are requesting the beach, their own backyard, or other local landmarks as headshot locations. This dental office found the perfect backdrop for their headshots at UPS in Tacoma – and WOW, what a beautiful campus! Headshots with Sunrise Photography are a great way to update your business profile. It’s a simple, quick, painless process.


Casual Beach Headshots

TamiSkanes Headshot_2603 TamiSkanes Headshot_2629 TamiSkanes Headshot_2816

Like so many others, this client wanted casual headshots at her favorite place: the beach. Clients are using these images for several purposes; but, largely for social media sites such as LinkedIn. The images you put forth says a lot about you, and it is often the first impression others have of you. Be sure your headshots / profile photos are fresh and up to date. These sessions are quick and easy, and I usually email the images within 24 hours.


Kim Rioux, DDS

Sunrise Photography Gig Harbor Business Headshots (1) Sunrise Photography Gig Harbor Business Headshots (2) Sunrise Photography Gig Harbor Business Headshots (3)

Spending time with this group of professionals really just made me wish I could work at this office with them every day! Dr. Rioux and staff are a fantastic group of individuals, dedicated to Dentistry by Design. Located in Gig Harbor, they are easily accessed off of Hwy. 16. Look to the professionals at Kim Rioux, DDS, for your dentistry needs. Contact them here: Kim Rioux DDS


Casual Headshots

Sunrise Photography Headshots Gig Harbor (1)

Sunrise Photography Headshots Gig Harbor (3)

Sunrise Photography Headshots Gig Harbor (4)
So many recent clients have requested a “casual headshot” for various reasons. These images are often used as profile pictures on social media sites for business purposes, or on web pages. It’s quick and easy – painless, really – to schedule a headshot session. I usually have your images edited and emailed to you within 2 or 3 days. I’d love to set up a headshot session for you!